Dreaming is Good, Working on it is Even Better!!!!

Dr. Betina Chandolia
4 min readJan 22, 2022
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

When you were a kid, what did you dream of?

To become an actor?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

A doctor?

Photo by Arseny Togulev on Unsplash

An Engineer?

Photo by Scott Blake on Unsplash

Still figuring out????

Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

You know what? What’s the most important question?

It’s— ‘What are you now?’

Dreaming is good, but working on it is even better!!!

Some of us dare to dream, few of us start working on it and very rare ones are consistent to make their dreams into reality.

Which one are you???

Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

There are many of us who are stuck in the routine life so much that we only think about our dream when we go to bed. When we wake up next day, we again get busy in our routine life. When we see someone succeed, we think that one day we will also be at the top!

But, ever thought, would that day really come into your life?

This might sound blunt to you but the truth is merely dreaming or thinking about what you want doesn’t make you get it. You need to work on it consistently without giving up every single time until you succeed.

Still thinking, what to do? Here are some pointers that might help.

Realize your Dream

The important thing is self-realization. What do you actually want from your life? What is it that you really want it?

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Does it interests you enough?

Many of us start our dream journey, but at some or other point of time, we stop.


Because we lose interest.

Because we want immediate results.

Because we think people are sitting idle to make our dream come true. Fair enough? Huh!

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

A common example of this is people starting their YouTube channel, posting few videos and expecting them to gain million views. Their expectation level is so high at the start, that they are not even able to make it up to thousands and their dream crashes soon enough. Hence, loss of interest.

However, if a person is really interested in doing so, he/she will be consistent to make it work. No matter what is the outcome, they will work on it until they find the key to success.

From here, we come to an another important point, which is:

Are you willing to be consistent?

Success doesn’t comes overnight.

People struggle for years to get that overnight success. What we see is the overnight hard work. What we don’t see is timeless failures, the consistency of not giving up, the will to win, the hard work to make it through.

There are lot other factors involved depending upon what your dream is. It might involve financial support, team work, working space and so many things which could be a limiting factor for some.

But you know what, What actually is the limiting factor?

Your Mindset

It’s all in your mind. The will to succeed. The power to be consistent. The ability to work hard without giving up. To not condemn, criticize or complain. To use one’s potential to the fullest. To be persistent. To believe in your dreams and most important to have faith in your capabilities.

What do you think? Can you achieve your dream?


Will it just remain a dream forever?

The decision is yours….

